Gift Vouchers

The perfect gift idea!

With single or multiple lesson vouchers available, Sammy's Driving School gift vouchers are the perfect gift for any occasion and for learner drivers of any age.

Give your friends and loved ones the gift of freedom and a lifetime of safe driving!

Gift Certificate Terms & Conditions

  • Refund will incur a handling fee of 10%.
  • Valid for use within 12 months from date of issue.
  • Driving lesson times subject to instructor availability.
  • Please inform us of your gift voucher code when booking our services.
  • Vouchers are non-refundable, or changeable (manual or auto), and not transferable to another person.
  • Unused vouchers cannot be refunded.
  • Please treat vouchers like cash if lost we cannot replace, onus is on the recipient.
  • Please pass on these terms & conditions to the recipient.
  • 24-hour notice must be given for cancellations or rescheduling of lessons from gift voucher packages otherwise that lesson will be deducted from the total of the package.

Buy Now

When purchasing an online voucher, the recipient will receive a unique code that can be redeemed on our website.